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Don't make your trip to the range a waste of ammo. Planning your trip is valuable and we decided at Ace Shooters academy to post drills for the end user to benefit from. Whether your a new shooter or a seasoned shooter you will find drills to work on.

Stay safe and carry a gun!

Figure 8

1 IPSC target at 3 yards. Draw a 1 inch circle in the A zone. Pistol or Carbine.

Aim at the dot and then move your point of aim in a 6 to 8 inch figure 8 pattern being careful not to come off of the IPSC target.

Prep the trigger and when your sights come in alignment with the dot, take your shot. This should be done as a fluid movement for 5 consecutive shots. Take your time with this one and be safe. Drilled it? increase the distance.


Jill Drill

6 Inch circle at 7 yards. Pistol from holster.

Randomly load 10 rounds and 1 dummy round in 2 magazines. dummy round cannot be first or last. Par time 10 seconds. At signal fire all 10 rounds in 6 inch circle. You will have a malfunction to Tap and Rack the slide and will have to perform a reload in the process.


Bill Drill

1 IPSC target at 7 yards. Pistol from holster or carbine from high/low ready. Par time 3.5 seconds.

At signal, draw and fire 6 rounds in the A zone. 


Reload Drill

1 IPSC target at 10 yards. Pistol from holster or carbine from high/low ready. 3 magazines with 3 rounds each.

at signal, draw and fire to slide lock, reload and fire to slide lock. reload and fire to slide lock. All A zone hits to pass, Shoot for time.

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